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​井上 亮

  1. Inoue, R. Otabi, H. Yamashita, T. Takizawa, N. Kido, T. Sugiyama, A. Ozeki, M. Abe, A. Tsukahara, T. Effects of partially hydrolyzed guar gum supplementation on the fecal microbiotas of piglets. Pathogens, 2021, in press. Corresponding author

  2. Inatomi, T. Tsukahara, T. Romero-Perez, A, G. Inoue, R. Combined Therapy of Probiotic Supplementation and Rehydration Improves Blood Dehydration Parameters and Decreases Mortality of Neonatal Piglets Naturally Infected with Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus: A Clinical Trial. Agriculture, 2021, 11(11), 1058;

  3. Liyanage, G, G. Inoue, R. Fujitani, M. Ishijima, M. Shibutani, T. Abe, K. Kishida, T. Okada, S. Effects of Soy Isoflavones, Resistant Starch and Antibiotics on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)-Like Features in Letrozole-Treated Rats. Nutrients, 2021, 13(11), 3759;

  4. Kondo, Y. Hashimotom, Y. Hamaguchi, M. Ando, S. Kaji, Y. Sakai, R. Inoue, R. Kashiwagi, S. Mizushima, K. Uchiyama, K. Takagi, T. Naito, Y. Fukui, M. Unique Habitual Food Intakes in the Gut Microbiota Cluster Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Nutrients, 2021, 13(11); 3816, https://

  5. Morishima, S. Oda, N. Ikeda, H. Segawa, T. Oda, M. Tsukahara, T. Kawase, Y. Takagi, T. Naito, Y. Fujibayashi, M. Inoue, R. Altered Fecal Microbiotas and Organic Acid Concentrations Indicate Possible Gut Dysbiosis in University Rugby Players: An Observational Study. Microorganisms 2021. 9(8), 1687; Corresponding author

  6. Ohta, M. Koshida, S. Jimbo, I. Oda, M. Inoue, R. Tsukahara, T. Terahara, M. Yanagi, T. Nakahara, S. Shibata, M. Tsutsui, H. Yoshida, D. Furukawa, O. Maruo, Y. Chronological changes of serum exosome in preterm infants: A prospective study. Pediatrics International 2021.

  7. Miura, H. Hashimoto, T. Kawanishi, Y. Kawauchi, H. Inoue, R. Shoji, N. Saito, K. Sekiya, M. Saito, Y. Yasuda, J. Yonezaka, C. Endo, T. Kasuya, H. Suzuki, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Koike, S. Identification of the core rumen bacterial taxa and their population dynamics during the fattening period in Japanese Black cattle. Animal Science Journal 2021, in press.

  8. Ogawa, C. Inoue, R. Yonejima, K. Hisa, Y. Yamamoto, T. Suzuki, T. Supplemental Leuconostoc mesenteroides strain NTM048 attenuates imiquimod-induced psoriasis in mice. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2021,

  9. Higashimura, Y. Hirabayashi, M. Nishikawa, H. Inoue, R. Nagai, E. Matsumoto, K. Enomoto, T. Mizushima, K. Takagi, T. Naito, Y. Dietary intake of yacon roots (Smallanthus sonchifolius) affects gut microbiota and fecal mucin and prevents intestinal inflammation in mice. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2020, in press.

  10. Yamashita, T. Tai, S. Tsukahara, T. Inoue, R. Fusobacterium nucleatum impedes remission of colitis in a mouse model. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2021, in press. Corresponding author

  11. Matsumoto, H. Shiotani, A. Katsumata, R. Fukushima, S. Handa, Y. Osawa, M. Murao, T. Handa, O. Umegaki, E. Inoue, R. Naito, Y. Mucosa-asscociated microbiota in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: a comparison of subtypes. Digestion 2021, 102(1), 49-56.

  12. Sugitani, Y. Inoue, R. Inatomi, O. Nishida, A. Morishima, S. Imai, T. Kawahara, M. Naito, Y. Andoh, A. Mucosa-associated gut microbiome in Japanese patients with functional constipation. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2020, in press.

  13. Morishima, S. Aoi, W. Kawamura, A. Kawase, T. Takagi, T. Naito, Y. Tsukahara, T. Inoue, R. Intensive, prolonged exercise seemingly causes gut dysbiosis in female endurance runners. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition, 2020, in press. Corresponding author

  14. Tsukahara, T. Kimura, Y. Inoue, R. Iwata, T. Preliminary investigation of the use of dietary supplementation with probiotic Bacillus subtilis strain QST713 shows that it attenuates antimicrobial‐induced dysbiosis in weaned piglets. Animal Science Journal, 2020 in press.

  15. Takagi, T. Naito, Y. Kashiwagi, S. Uchiyama, K. Mizushima, K. Kamada, K. Ishikawa, T. Inoue, R. Okuda, K. Tsujimoto, Y. Ohnogi, H. Itoh, Y. Changes in the Gut Microbiota are Associated with Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Japanese Subjects. Nutrients 2020. 12, 2996.

  16. Uryu, H. Tsukahara, T. Ishikawa, H. Oi, M. Otake, S. Yamane, I. Inoue, R. Comparison of Productivity and Fecal Microbiotas of Sows in Commercial Farms. Microorganisms 2020. 8, 1469. Corresponding author

  17. Komiya, S. Naito, Y. Okada, H. Matsuo, Y. Hirota, K. Takagi, T. Mizushima, K. Inoue, R. Abe, A. Morimoto, Y. Characterizing the gut microbiota in females with infertility and preliminary results of a water-soluble dietary fiber intervention study. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition, 2020. 67(1), 105–111.

  18. Naito, Y. Ushiroda, C. Mizushima, K. Inoue, R. Yasukawa, Z. Abe, A. Takagi, T. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) attenuates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease via modulating the interaction between gut microbiota and bile acids. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition, 2020. 67(1), 2–9.

  19. Hashimoto, Y. Hamaguchi, M. Kaji, A. Sakai, R. Osaka, T. Inoue, R. Kashiwagi, S. Mizushima, K. Uchiyama, K. Takagi, T. Naito, Y. Fukui, M. Intake of sucrose affects gut dysbiosis in patients with type 2 diabetes. 2020. Journal of diabetes investigation, 10.1111/jdi.13293.

  20. Kambe, J. Sasaki, Y. Inoue, R. Tomonaga, S. Kinjo, T. Watanabe, G. Jin, W. Nagaoka, K. Analysis of infant microbiota composition and the relationship with breast milk components in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) at the Zoo. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 2020. 82(7): 983–989.

  21. Kobayashi, R. Nagaoka, K. Nishimura, N. Koike, S. Takahashi, E. Niimi, K. Murase, H. Kinjo, T. Tsukahara, T. Inoue, R. Comparison of the Fecal Microbiota of Two Monogastric Herbivorous and Five Omnivorous Mammals. Animal Science Journal, 2020. 91(1):e13366. Corresponding author


芳本 玲

  1. Fukumura, K, Yoshimoto, R., Sperotto, L, Kang, HS, Hirose, T, Inoue, K, Sattler, M, Mayeda, A, SPF45/RBM17-dependent, but not U2AF-dependent, splicing in a distinct subset of human short introns. Nature Comms, 2021, in press.

  2. Yoshimoto, R., Chhipi-Shrestha, J. K., Schneider-Poetsch, T., Furuno, M., Burroughs, A. M., Noma, S., Suzuki, H., Hayashizaki, Y., Mayeda, A., Nakagawa, S., Kaida, D., Iwasaki, S., Yoshida, M., Spliceostatin A interaction with SF3B limits U1 snRNP availability and causes premature cleavage and polyadenylation. Cell Chem Biol, 2021,

  3. Kawamoto, T., Yoshimoto, R, Taniguchi, I., Kitabatake, M., Ohno, M., ISG20 and nuclear exosome promote destabilization of nascent transcripts for spliceosomal U snRNAs and U1 variants. Genes Cells, 2021, 26, 18-30.

  4. Yoshimoto, R., Rahimi, K., Hansen, T. B., Kjems, J., Mayeda, A., Biosynthesis of Circular RNA ciRS-7/CDR1as Is Mediated by Mammalian-wide Interspersed Repeats. iScience, 2020, 23, 101345.


© 2021 Laboratory of Animal Science, Setsunan University

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